March 25, 2009

What Warm-Ups Do For You

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: — mamta @ 1:01 am

Every so often, I see gym-goers walk up to a treadmill, and start their jogging/running routine within a couple of minutes of arriving at the gym. I am always at a lack of understanding – is it the lack of time to fit in a safety measure or just ignorance? Either one way, they are headed for injury or worse. Warm-ups have a very specific purpose – they prepare the mind and body for what is coming further on in the workout session.

Let me start with what exactly is a warm up and which activities qualify as warm ups and which don’t. Warm is any low intensity, slow-paced activity that may (preferable) or may not resemble your intense and eventual activity but gets the muscles, tissues and organs ready for more intense workout. A warm up may start out slow but it can be increased in pace and intensity finally to match the main workout. In general, the more intense and complex your main workout, the longer your workout should be.


March 18, 2009

Shin Splints – The Jogger’s / Runners Woe

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: , — mamta @ 1:01 am

Hi again. Yes, I will be covering that most pesky of troubles that has at one time or another plagued almost every jogger and runner. If you are a newbie, then chances are you will run into shin splints earlier than later. We start out enthusiastically, overdo things a little bit (read increasing our workout duration, intensity and frequency too quickly), and then start the shin pains that seem to linger on or disappear to return back repeatedly.

Shin splints are a common condition amongst runners/joggers or anyone doing star jumps and the like. When the shin is repeatedly made to bear the weight of downward force, the pounding causes the frontal tibia (shinbone) to experience stress. The medical term for shin splints is Medial Tibial Syndrome.


March 11, 2009

Jogging/Running Frequency – The Balance Between Fitness And Risking Injury

 Hi. Have you ever wondered how much is too much exercising? We know that fitness level is a function of how often we exercise, how long we do it and at what intensity level we workout.  You may have often come across the banal ‘thrice a week for 30 minutes’ phrase. There is research-backed reason for this lower limit. However, there are upper limit cautions as well.


December 6, 2008

Injury Prevention For The Treadmill Runner

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: , — mamta @ 2:42 pm

In which ways, do you think, running enthusiasts are most likely to hurt themselves? Yes, you got that right.

a. Not bothering to get a physical.

b. Not doing a warm-up and stretching exercise

c. Wrong shoes.

d. Wrong footing (technique)

e. Bad body posture

f. Doing too much too soon

g. Not varying the exercise routine (more…)

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