December 6, 2008

Injury Prevention For The Treadmill Runner

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: , — mamta @ 2:42 pm

In which ways, do you think, running enthusiasts are most likely to hurt themselves? Yes, you got that right.

a. Not bothering to get a physical.

b. Not doing a warm-up and stretching exercise

c. Wrong shoes.

d. Wrong footing (technique)

e. Bad body posture

f. Doing too much too soon

g. Not varying the exercise routine (more…)

December 4, 2008

Essential Lower Body Stretches For A Treadmill Workout

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: , — mamta @ 2:40 pm

In my last post had spoken of the 3 basic stretches you could do before starting your treadmill routine. Those were the very basic stretches that take care of the 3 basic muscles (Gastrocs or calves, Quadriceps or front thighs and the Hamstrings or the back/rear thigh) of the legs that would be put to full use in any treadmill workout.

Here are the two other essential exercises of the legs. They increase the legs” preparedness to endurance walking, jogging or running and address the smaller but most exerted muscles such as the Piriformis (muscle connecting lower hip to hamstring) and the Soleus (the muscle connection at the rear side between the calf and the ankle). (more…)

December 2, 2008

Stretches Before Using Your Treadmill

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: , — mamta @ 2:31 pm

In all my time as a trainer, I have got to see a variety in the gym-goers modus operandi, inside the gym. However, one of them seems almost a constant. The adrenalin-pumped gym enthusiast enters the gym, keeps his/her bag and accessories aside and gets on with his/her favourite piece of fitness equipment. I can never stop to wonder about the muscle and cardio shock they give to their systems doing this, not to mention hiking their chances of coming down with a sports-related injury. They are either new at the gym or at ill read with fitness knowledge, or just plain impatient. They see their favorite equipment free and unoccupied; they jump to it before it is taken by someone.


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