January 28, 2009

New Year’s Resolutions – 10 Ways To Define A Realistic Fitness Goal And How To Stick To It

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: , — mamta @ 1:10 am

OK, so now we are well into the New Year. I am pretty positive that a few of us have already slackened out in our efforts or have given up on the trail entirely in frustration. Yes, we are all familiar with our New Year”s Syndrome. Clichéd as making and breaking them are, here are a few tips that will help you see results.

1. What do you really want to change? Resolutions should never be made in light vein. Think over what you would really like to change in the New Year. It would be helpful to see which area of your life needs changing by simply gauging its undesirable effect in your daily life. If something is seriously bothering you or a condition is affecting your self-esteem or health, you must take it to be a problem area to resolve.

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