August 19, 2009

How to beat the Piriformis Syndrome

Filed under: Fitness — Tags: — mamta @ 8:01 am

Hi! In today’s fitness notes, we will take a look at the Piriformis Syndrome – which is condition that sometime afflicts exercisers when they walk or squat excessively as a part of their fitness regime. The syndrome is a neuromuscular condition that may arise from excessive usage or strain of the Piriformis and its muscle.

The Piriformis muscle is located deep inside the buttock or gluteal muscles. When the Piriformis muscle gets aggravated and swollen, it presses against the sciatic nerve and the sciatic nerve presses in turn against the bone. This causes radiating and excruciating pain, spasms and discomfort. It may also cause tingling and numbness in the buttock region as well as along the sciatic nerve.


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